The plant sector has a key role to play in delivering the UK construction 2025 strategy and Peter Hansford, the construction advisor to the government, is keen to help the sector realise its potential.
Peter: “We first launched the 2025 industrial strategy for the UK construction industry in July 2013, with some ambitious targets. Those most relevant to the plant sector and where it can make a real difference are the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions by 50% and a 50% cut in the time it takes to deliver a project from inception to completion.
“There is however a lot of work to do, as the sector itself is not as integrated with the rest of the industry as it should be. More collaboration between the plant sector and the rest of the industry is vital, particularly if we are going to exploit the technological advancements in machine performance that can significantly lower emissions.
“The sector also needs to be better at reporting and sharing useful information. Data is available, but it is how it can be interpreted and used to improve performance that is important.
“And like the rest of the industry, investment in skills and training is essential, particularly as an operator can make such a difference to the speed of delivery and productivity on a site.
“There are clear opportunities for efficiency gains to be delivered by the plant sector and now is the time for greater engagement in the 2025 vision.”
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