336 Medium Excavator

Course Date

Coming Soon

Course Length



Course Length: 3 x 10-hour days
Target Audience: Heavy Equipment Technician

This course covers the 336 medium excavators. Subjects covered will be engine performance testing, cab layout, hydraulic pumps operation, pressure testing; systems operation testing and adjusting of swing & boom priority and stick and boom regeneration circuits. Swing circuit testing and adjusting. Travel circuit systems operation, testing and adjusting. The Next Gen monitor will be covered along with its diagnostic capabilities. Electronic Technician will be used to do product status reports, Data logging, diagnostics troubleshooting, and set up of parameters.

PPE Required

Participants must provide their own safety glasses, steel-toed footwear, gloves, hard hat, hearing protection, and coveralls with Hi-Visibility Markings.




After completion of the course the participant will be able to:

  • Be able to navigate and explain the sub menu screens on the 336 monitor and how they are used by the operator and service person.
  • Using ET data log an engine performance test and evaluate the data log to determine engine state of repair.
  • Data log an engine performance service test within ET and show engine performance on graph.
  • Explain the systems operation testing and adjusting of the electronic hydraulic pump(s) as found on the 336 medium excavator.
  • Using SIS, go through the electrical and hydraulic schematics to show the new systems and how they function for hydraulic operation.
  • Explain how the side-by-side hydraulic valve is different from the previous E and F series HEX hydraulic valve.
  • Explain how Boom and Stick regeneration is accomplished on the hydraulic valve.
  • Explain how Swing Priority is accomplished on the hydraulic valve.
  • Explain how an attachment valve circuit is added to a valve and explain 2 methods of shifting the valve with pilot oil.
  • Explain the Swing circuit hydraulics and anti-reaction valves including swing priority.
  • Perform a complete hydraulic pressure test of the 336 hydraulic circuit including researching the test and adjust procedure and specifications using SIS. Included in this test will be main relief, line reliefs, swing circuit reliefs, auxiliary hydraulics, and calibrations.
  • Explain the travel circuit of the 336 valves including 2 speed travel and straight travel and the difference between straight travel in the 336 valve and the straight travel valve located on the floor of the cab.
  • Test and adjust the 2 speed travel circuit using the cab monitor to adjust as necessary.
  • Use ET to generate a Product Status Report, create the report and save the report in a (new folder) and retrieve the report for viewing at a later date.