Bouchier and Finning: Celebrating a 25 year Relationship

11 October 2023

Bouchier began in 1998 with the founder David Bouchier, a Cat® D6D Dozer, and entrepreneurial determination. Nicole Bouchier, CEO of Bouchier, joined the team fulltime in 2004, and together, they expanded Bouchier from civil contracting services to offering road and facility maintenance. Through their partnership with Finning, Bouchier now owns approximately 400 pieces of equipment and employs 1100 people.

Finning helped Bouchier tremendously in their first few years of business, particularly when it came to their finance support. When Bouchier was starting out, not as big and busy as they are now, Finning ensured they could stay working even if it meant making a few late payments. "25 years has come with a lot of challenges and a lot of rewards," says Nicole, part of that reward being over $150 million a year in sales, and the other part being a sense of community within the business.

Through their partnership, Finning guarantees up-to-date equipment and technology, and if anything were to break down, Finning has the resources for reparation. "They have mechanics up in a few hours to get it up and running again," says David. Finning and Bouchier work collaboratively to invest in success, and the Finning sales representatives are a key component in this success. 

Watch: Bouchier and Finning 25 Year Relationship

Kelly Black and Travis Drake, sales representatives for Finning Canada, helped Bouchier grow exponentially. After Kelly retired, Travis learned about the customers and company before taking over, ensuring he would continue the personal side and business side of the relationship. "Our success depends on their success," Travis says, whose commitment has proven prosperous outcomes. "We've had very good salesmen we've been dealing with in the past 25 years," says David.

Just as Finning is committed to Bouchier, Bouchier is committed to its members, their environment, and their projects. "We wanted to create a business where people were valued," says Nicole. When a workplace feels more like a family, goals are met, and quality projects are delivered.

Bouchier also wants to value and honor their Indigenous roots. As a 100% Indigenous-owned company, Nicole believes, "It is now a time for us to use our Indigenous voice . . . and be able to lead the way for Indigenous entrepreneurs." With Finning as a partner, they can provide impeccable work to meet their clients' needs and expectations. Most importantly, they can give back to their community.

Finning is the world's largest Caterpillar dealer, selling, renting and providing parts and service for equipment and engines to customers across diverse industries, including mining, construction, petroleum, forestry and a wide range of power systems applications. We operate in Western Canada, South America, and UK and Ireland.