Slide Rail

Finning shoring - 4-sided slide rail system from GME

The GME\E+S Slide Rail system is a durable, modular dig and push style system that allows for multiple configurations to fit just any job-site need. The unique patented design of the GME\E+S system open track system in North America. The entire system can be installed in a non-vibratory fashion making it the ideal system to be used in vibration sensitive zones such as next to buildings or near adjacent structures. 


With its modular, flexible, component design, the GME|E+S Slide Rail Shoring system is versatile enough to be used on a variety of job sites.

These include:

• Tank installations

• Bore pits

• Pump stations

• Cast-in-place

• Linear pipeline runs

• Restricted areas (downtowns, industrial sites)

• Poor soil conditions

• Vibration sensitive areas (near hospitals, adjacent buildings)

• Near rail road tracks

• Soil remediation

• And many more...

This is the complete GME Slide Rail Shoring installation, components and removal video.