Finning Pension Schemes (AON)

The information on this page relates to the Finning Pension Scheme and the Finning DC Pension Scheme (the “Schemes”).  Both Schemes are now closed to new joiners and future contributions, but continue to provide benefits for existing members in accordance with the relevant Scheme rules.

Contact Information

The Schemes are adminstered by AON, If you have any questions or would like to get in touch, please contact:

By Email:

By Telephone: 0330 678 0407

By Mail: Finning Pensions, AON, PO Box 196, Huddersfield, HD8 1EG

Data Protection Notice

Please click below to download a copy of our Data Protection Notice

Pension Privacy Policy (PDF: 214KB)

Statement Of Investment Principles

Please click on the following links to download copies of the Statement Of Investment Principles (SIP) for the;

Finning Pension Scheme (DB Section) (PDF: 110KB)

Finning DC Pension Scheme (PDF: 316KB)

Implementation Statements 

Please click on the following links to download copies of the Implementation Statements for the;

Finning Pension Scheme (DB Section) (PDF: 156KB)