Ben Taylor - Second Year Construction Apprentice
Finning UK & Ireland second year apprentice, Ben Taylor, talks about his experience of the Finning Apprenticeship scheme.
What made you choose to pursue a career in engineering?
Before the apprenticeship I was always working on my bikes and cars. I've always been interested in plant and I decided to complete work experience here at Cannock. I really enjoyed the experience and decided to complete another placement. I realised that there was a wide variety of work available in this industry and that it was something I wanted to do.
What are you enjoying the most about your apprenticeship?
The wide variety of machinery, engine and component work I get to be involved in.
What are you finding the most challenging about your apprenticeship?
Fault finding, but it may also be the best part of the apprenticeship.
What do you hope to do once you have completed the programme?
Hopefully I will go on to become either a Field Engineer or Workshop Engineer but I am also really interested in engine work.
What advice would you give to anyone considering applying for an apprenticeship programme at Finning?
Don't give up because you never know what will happen next!
On reflection, what did you think of the recruitment process?
It is quite a lengthy process but it makes you feel like you have earnt your place.
What would you say about the support you are given as an apprentice?
You get good support on a frequent basis from engineers, team leaders, line managers and supervisors. Training in the academy supports your learning and you get to put what you have learnt into practice in the workshop.